I’ve added to the yDNA page primarily to include some links to the new FTDNA SNP Discover pages. with time estimates for SNP branching with info behind the overview under the Scientific Details tab. There are several other goodies to explore in this new, public, free, tool
Added several links to the atDNA page, primarily those posted on my assorted blogs but not incorporated here. eg Visual Phasing, some tweaks to Test or Transfer? Genesis Beta for 23andme/Living DNA
Decided to add an atDNA specific sub page to my DNA-Links. Too many new tools and techniques to keep track of on the more generic overall DNA Links page. Isn’t it fantastic how many wonderfully clever people put their heads together to help us all make sense of our results and maximise our investment in […]
A Guestbook has been added to this site. It replaces the largely defunct RootsWeb hosted Guestbook. Many of my pages may still point to the old RootsWeb page as it will take time to run updates to point to here instead. As the page says, look forward to hearing how/why you found my assorted webpages.
Several place name resource links have been added to the GenieResources page – all UK based.
A snapshot copy of my old RootsWeb Guestbook as at Jun 2016 has been added as a sub page to the about to be installed new Guestbook. Over time any of my sites that have a Guestbook link will be converted to point to the one (about to be) on these pages.
A snapshot as at Jun 2016 of my original RootsWeb Guestbook is now included on this site (in a sub menu under the Guestbook tab). I’ve given up waiting for RootsWeb to get theirs operational again. When I have my server back and fully operational a new Guestbook will be provided on this site instead.
Righthand sidebar has been changed to include links to my assorted sites, along with a page of links to my assorted blogs, and to the Sitemap for this site
Bit of maintenance underway to rationalise the assorted sections of the site into one slightly more coherent whole. A casualty of the first step was site unavailability for a few days while frantically searched around on how to dig myself out of a self-created mess! Please report any links that go nowhere – you may […]