Miscellaneous links


Affiliate links: The links below will not add anything to the cost of your test, but will contribute (small) amounts to the sites I find of ongoing usefulness with DNA work. If you want to help WikiTree.com: Use this link to order from FamilyTreeDNA, from where you can transfer your FamilyFinder file to GEDmatch and […]

DNA Links


DNA: Who could think that these three letters could mean so much fun for genealogists! Or even provide a future storage medium (Shakespeare’s sonnets and a 26 sec. clip of Martin Luther King’s speech in 41 grams of DNA!) On this page: Learn more Find matches Blogs and discussions Tools Projects of interest Books Should […]



AKA genetic genealogy, DNA testing for genealogy is growing in popularity as it proves its worth, and the prices come down. The more people who test, the more the jigsaw of family trees are completed, more accurately. Check out the DNA pages for further information. But if you feel you need more help to get started, […]

Demystifying DNA

Demystifying DNA

DNA is just another TLA (three letter acronym) Consider it as your secret store of ancestors inside you which you can unlock to help solve your family tree puzzles. Hutt branch – 14th March 2013  

Aug 302012

DNA section under transfer from prior LornaGenie site – getting ready for a talk at the NZSG Porirua Branch   12th September.

Lorna’s links


DNA links Other assorted links (mainly genealogical) that I have an interest in: genealogy related programs & their related web sites that I use regularly (Genie programs) web page bits & bobs tools, information and sites I’ve found useful (Web tools) genie resources just some of the sites I’ve found useful or interesting genie societies […]

DNA – A New Dimension

DNA - A New Dimension

DNA – A New Dimension Where you can take your genealogy Registration (free but moderated) is required to view the notes behind this menu as the content includes examples from living people. Originally developed as a presentation to Kapiti Genealogy. Unregistered users may be interested in the open DNA Links section, or  DNASurnames instead Once […]